Welcome to Lego Planet! You'll find our newest post here on the Home page and a list of some of our lego characters with their bio's. But that's not all... we have many interesting things for you to explore.
Planet Newsreel is home to our two intrepid reporters, Larry and Stephanie, bringing you all the news about what is happening in Lego Planet. Planet Journey is where you can see how we build the planet from the base plates up.
We have Sid Sparkie writing our Engineering blog which showcases all the real life adventures such as lighting, electrics and construction techniques. In Construction Crew you'll find our most seasoned blogger, Bert. He will be showcasing some of the buildings in the planet in all their details and those projects that were too big or just didn't fit in Lego Planet.
Planet Newsreel is home to our two intrepid reporters, Larry and Stephanie, bringing you all the news about what is happening in Lego Planet. Planet Journey is where you can see how we build the planet from the base plates up.
We have Sid Sparkie writing our Engineering blog which showcases all the real life adventures such as lighting, electrics and construction techniques. In Construction Crew you'll find our most seasoned blogger, Bert. He will be showcasing some of the buildings in the planet in all their details and those projects that were too big or just didn't fit in Lego Planet.
Breaking NEWS Story - Click image below to go directly to it!

'More... More!' I hear you cry, 'I want More!!' well if you hover over the MORE... you'll find our special section with separate projects and special events, Christmas, Halloween, Lockdown and even Chocolate!
You can follow us on facebook - lego.planet.uk where we'll also post our latest story or article. Feel free to look around and we hope you enjoy your visit... dont forget to tell your friends about us!